Things in the Basement

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Things in the Basement


By: Ben Hatke


From New York Times bestselling author Ben Hatke comesThings in the Basement, a young readers graphic novel about Milo, a young boy who discovers a portal to a secret world in his basement.

It was supposed to just be a normal basement-some storage boxes, dust, you know, the usual basement stuff. But when Milo is sent by his mother to fetch a sock from the basement of the historic home they've moved into, Milo finds a door in the back that he's never seen before. Turns out that the basement of his house is enormous. In fact, there is a wholeworlddown there. As Milo travels ever deeper into the Basement World, he meets the many Things that live in the shadows and gloom. . . and he learns that to face his fears he must approach even the strangest creatures with kindness.

Page Count: 240

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